Why Santa’s Sleigh Couldn’t Fly Without Plastics Machining

Dec 19, 2017 | Aerospace, News


195 countries in 132 million houses. These are the stops that Santa Claus will make over the course of just 32 hours this Christmas (luckily, time zones and daylight savings time are very much on the big man’s side). When you’ve got this type of agenda and you’re in a situation where every moment counts, to say that the performance of your work vehicle (or in this case, work sleigh) is important is something of an understatement.

You don’t just need something that is “high performance” – you need something reliable to the extreme and “state-of-the-art” in ways that probably haven’t occurred to most of us just yet. For this type of job, Santa turns to plastics machining for a number of essential reasons.

How Plastics Machining and G10/FR4 Helps Santa Fly

In order to Santa’s sleigh to both A) carry all of those presents so that he can make his deliveries in one trip, and B) literally fly around the world as quickly as possible, it needs to be durable, lightweight and incredibly resilient – all at once. Luckily, plastics machining techniques and materials like G10/FR4 are malleable enough to meet the demands of any application – even one as unique as this one. In truth, most of Santa’s sleigh was constructed with plastics machined parts – including body parts and panels, his headlights (the ionosphere can be quite foggy this time of year) and more.

Santa’s got a very big list, and no time for break-downs or hassles on his busy route!

These plastics machined parts also offer incredible resistance to fatigue and broad temperature use, which is great as Santa travels from cold climates to incredibly warm ones in the span of a few hours. Tearing, creep and abrasion are words that Santa doesn’t have to concern himself with. He can stop focusing so much on his ride and can instead devote all of his attention to getting little Billy from Cleveland that PlayStation 4 Pro he’s been asking for before the sun comes up.

The advancements of G10/FR4 and plastics machining also help an aspect of Santa’s sleigh that a lot of people don’t pay much attention to – his backup fuel lines and emission canisters. Yes, it’s true that the sleigh itself is pulled by just eight powerful reindeer – but if you think that Father Christmas doesn’t have a “Plan B” in place in the event that one of them gets lost or injured, you’re kidding yourself.

Only G10/FR4 can guarantee the types of gains in quality and tolerance that Santa needs when he needs them the most. From the moment that backup fuel system kicks in, he’s enjoying benefits like increased fuel efficiency and reduced carbon emissions at the same time. That last point is particularly important, as he’s technically traveling internationally for business and he’s got a lot of different masters he has to serve all at once in terms of what emissions standards are acceptable in which countries. He certainly doesn’t want to wind up on the receiving end of any regulation violations, but luckily thanks to plastics machining he doesn’t have to worry about this one bit.

At JMJ Profile, Inc., we understand that every job is a little bit different from the next – which is why a “one size fits all” approach to plastics machining just won’t do. Whether you’re trying to create an environment that breeds innovation across the auto industry (or if you’re just trying to make sure that you can deliver countless presents to millions of excited children around the world in a single night), we deeply believe in the true power that only G10/FR4 and other plastics machining materials and techniques can provide.

When Santa wants to make sure that his sleigh can fly with maximum efficiency while breaking down far less frequently, he turns to plastics machining. If it’s good enough for Kris Kringle, it’s good enough for us. Happy Holidays from JMJ Profile!

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